Victory in Craigleith
German ski cross racer Florian Wilmsmann has clinched victory at the second World Cup event held in Canada, propelling him to the top of the overall standings. With only two races left in the season, the Oberbayer now has a strong chance to become the first German to secure the coveted crystal globe.
The 29-year-old demonstrated his excellent form ahead of the World Championships scheduled for next weekend in Switzerland. In the final at Craigleith, Wilmsmann outperformed local competitors Reece Howden and Kevin Drury; he had previously finished fourth in the first race held the day before.
Overall Standings
Wilmsmann currently leads the overall standings by a margin of twelve points over Howden and twenty-five points ahead of reigning world champion Simone Deromedis from Italy. The last two World Cup races are set to take place at the end of March in Idre Fjäll, Sweden.
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